Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday, October 16th's Good Thing...

A few months ago, I decided to start everyday by saying to myself:

"Something good is going to happen today."
Usually I remember to say this to myself while I'm driving to work. This makes me LOOK for the good things. They can be very small but very good.

So even though the day is not yet over, I am going to post my "something good" for this day.

Today it rained. Which was good. I went out to the piece of property I've been looking at to check on the drainage issue. Didn't rain hard enough today to really see how the water runs off. There is a low spot in the middle of the property so I'll have to check it out again. Maybe it'll rain some more tonight.

And I saw a hawk on a power line looking for lunch. They are so cool!

And I read some awesome blogs that were all about "good things"!

So far, today's been a good day!

OH! And I just read the interview with Taylor on GCs blog!!! This day just keeps getting better and better!


Unknown said...

That's a good idea! I need to remember to say that to myself when I get up!

Anonymous said...

Well done! Maybe if I follow this example I'll stop swearing at traffic in the morning.

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Lynn ~

Excellent idea....I think I'm going to follow in your footsteps and start saying that.

"Today is going to be a good day"...see there I said it...

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Oops... I think I messed up.... let's start over....

"Something good is going to happen today."

Now... I've said that too.... ;-)

Lee Ann

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Hey Lynn - I was reading "about you" and saw where you said that you hadn't figured out how to put your pic in. Did you update to Beta Blogger? I did and it made my blog life a whole lot better. Much easier to navigate. When you do that, go to settings and there is a place there for pics, links, and 'bout anything you want. Just thought I would let ya know!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


I use something similar...though these days it is "St. Joseph please find me a buyer."

Still hasn't helped..but I keep trying...

Coco said...

Love the positive outlook, Bamalamadingdong, honey.